Announcements Moved to Tech Life Cincinnati


Our monthly meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday 6 pm of every month except December, which we take off for the holidays.  

New Location

We are meeting at TechElevator Cincinnati in the first-floor conference room. 

1776 Mentor Ave
Cincinnati, OH 45212

Meeting Details Moved to Tech-Life Cincinnati

To cut down on the administrative tasks our volunteers need to do, we have moved meeting content and announcements to Tech-Life Cincinnati, a Meetup group. Go to the calendar page and look for the CINNUG/CinARC Monthly Meeting.  


Pizza, drinks and conversation will follow our speaker!

As usual, after we wrap our pizza break, we will be holding another CINARC (Cincinnati Software Architecture Group). This session will feature more discussion on topics chosen the night of the meeting. The focus of the meeting will be to discuss issues of software architecture relevant to the members of the community.

Sponsors Needed!

As we are back in person, we are looking for sponsors to help pay for the food (plus web hosting, newsletter provider, and legal).